Learn to EMBRACE grief with the support of a community who understands


In this 8-week LIVE course you will learn how to:



✦ EMBODY your emotions through exercise

✦ FEEL your feelings instead of FIGHT them


✦ Navigate your loss with an EMPOWERED mindset

✦ BEFRIEND grief as a guide to HEALING

You Can't Heal What you Don't Feel


“The first thing you have to do is really FEEL your feeling.
You can’t heal what you don’t feel in grief, we have trouble with this.”

– David Kessler, World-Renowned Grief Expert and author of Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief


 The intensity and range of emotions that arise after a loss can leave you feeling paralyzed and powerless. You might want to avoid or suppress these feelings, because you might fear that your pain will be all-consuming and never-ending. 

Unfortunately, grief never goes away. You can’t heal what you don’t feel.  

My desire is to help you embrace common emotions experienced while grieving and learn to befriend them as a guide to healing.  

Traditional Therapy Alone Didn't Work For Me


The problem with traditional grief therapy (ie. talking about it) is that trauma is stored in our bodies. Research suggests that organs, tissues, skin, muscle and endocrine glands all have peptide receptors on them and can access and store emotional information. This means that emotional memory is stored in many places in the body! — not just or even primarily, in the brain. So verbalizing our emotions in traditional grief therapy can be really difficult when we’re just FEELING it!

Furthermore, when the nervous system is stuck in a state of hyperactivity, our flight or fight survival response gets caught in a loop. We feel frozen and feelings of anxiety, overwhelm, sadness and guilt become all encompassing. All of our attention is then fixed on negative thought patterns and we get stuck in them.

So what do we do when our mind is convincing us that we are incapable of moving forward?

We prove it wrong by moving our bodies!

 Embrace Grief & Master your Emotions

moveTHRU Grief is an online course that teaches you how to move THRU eight common emotions that arise after a loss. The program helps grievers own & accept their emotions, validates why they feel this way, and helps them feel safe and supported as they access their emotions with the ultimate goal of allowing them to embrace grief as love. 


Self-Study Program


The Self-Study program is for someone who desires flexibility to complete the course on their own timeline and who wants coping tools for grief (and life!) at a highly accessible price-point.  


  •  Access to 50+ videos and trainings for LIFE
  •  Grief coaching and education at an accessible price
  •  Flexibility to complete modules at your own pace!

LIVE Group Program

$1999 (Save $300 with early-enrollment)

move THRU Grief LIVE is for someone who desires the support and accountability of a community as they navigate the 8-week program, and also seeks a customized coaching experience to apply the tools in the course and deepen their healing work. 


  •  Access to 50+ videos and trainings for LIFE
  •  2 LIVE coaching calls per week (one coaching call with Emily and a movement session with Yole)
  •  Access to private community forum to connect between live session

Here's how we'll MOVE THRU grief, together...

I created an 8-step sequence to help grievers get curious about their emotions, approve of them, feel them in a safe & supported way and release them, so that they can access clarity, connectedness and calmness in order to reframe their loss and move forward with life. Read about my moveTHRU Method below! 


Motivation is our reason(s) for acting or behaving in a particular way. When it comes to grief, we invite you to explore how and why a feeling or emotion is coming up for you?


Instead of suppressing or pretending the feeling or emotion doesn’t exist, we encourage you to acknowledge it. Own it!


Feelings and emotions exist for a reason, and often they arise as a natural response to a loss. It’s ok (if not totally natural!) to feel this way.


Sometimes verbalizing grief is hard. Let’s experience your emotions and feel your feelings in a safe, supportive environment through movement.


Sometimes we need an example. Someone else who has felt our pain and walked our path. We feel you, we support you, and together, we empower one another to moveTHRU grief.


The loss of a loved one is devastating and there is no way to bypass the pain. We invite you to honor your tragedy, your grief, your timeline and your process.


When we give ourselves permission to feel our feelings and experience our emotions, we begin to view our loss from a different lens — finding new meaning and finally …


Our feelings and emotions are telling us something — it’s up to us to listen! Our final step is to uncover any takeaways or lessons from moving THRU grief.

Whether you believe that you are capable of moving forward from tragedy or not, the mere act of exercising moves you. You body physiologically changes when you workout, and no matter how devastated, how paralyzed, or how hopeless your circumstances might feel, your biochemistry has shifted!

Real Client Successes

 Here’s what my clients have had to say about their experience:

Jennifer, moveTHRU Grief Live

I found Emily's TikTok in March 2020 during the Covid Shutdown, before Brandon passed away. I was enamored with her ability to go through something so devastating yet be so bold to share, carry others, and change the narrative on something that is so taboo in our society.

Then it happened to me. Brandon, my husband, died in November 2020 from blunt force trauma to the head after a lifelong fight with addiction. I watched her TikTok in desperation and insomnia after I became a widow. I found her on instagram and joined the move thru facebook group. Around the one year mark I felt a shift. i knew it was time for action work on my part to learn how to live in this reality not only for myself but for my 4 children as well.

I joined the moveTHRU Grief Live course this past January. I was just so tired of feeling stuck, like life was over, and I needed to find a like minded community who understood where I was. who walked the path before me. Not people who had never been in my shoes telling me it would get better. I needed the real, the raw, the tangible. I needed relief, resources and most importantly support from people who walked the path before me. People who just get it.

My biggest pain point or struggle coming into the course stemmed more from the people who are still alive today, my expectations of how I thought people were supposed to be there for me, more than it did from the loss of Brandon. Don't get me wrong, the loss was crushing, I died as well, but I knew in the death I was experiencing I had the opportunity to be planted. To be reborn. To become so much more than I was as I carry Brandons legacy forward. The secondary losses broke me. The family dynamic changes, letting go of Brandon and I's dreams, my kids dreams, the fact that my kids for the rest of their life will not physically have their dad. I had so much guilt, anger, and anxiety.

I had tremendous results from joining this course. You know as with everything you get out of it what you put into it. I know Brandon is in everything I do. I know that my feelings, emotions, sadness, grief, happiness and joy will ebb and flow. Emily's course gave me the tools to recognize how I am feeling, to listen to my body, to answer questions about what my body is saying and to move it accordingly to live in the duality of Brandon's death and my future.

My advice to anyone on the fence about taking the course is to be open to the things that make you uncomfortable. Be open to the fact that even if you can't believe there is relief in this now grief changes, and we are given an opportunity to grow and move with it everyday to live out our persons legacy in spite of the tremendous loss that brought us to this point of even looking for a course/community like this.


Lindsey, moveTHRU Grief Self-Study

The moveTHRU Grief course was a powerful tool that allowed me to process my grief after the loss of my daughter. It gave me freedom and space to feel all the emotions that came up in my grief journey. The course was so valuable because it allowed me to move my body to the specific emotion that I was feeling. After each section I gained skills to help me cope with my grief, but still honor my daughter.

Before the course I struggled to find space and time to process my grief with my busy schedule, I could never commit to a set schedule or grief group. The course allowed me to set aside time in my day when it worked best for me and work through the emotions I was feeling as well as honor my loved one.

Before moveTHRU I was lost as to how to deal with my grief, especially the anxiety I would feel throughout the day. After starting the course I felt a complete shift in my mindset, I felt more at peace and empowered to handle the emotions that came up surrounding the loss of my daughter. The course gave me the tools I needed to move forward in a positive way, but also still honor my daughter.

Ginna, moveTHRU Grief Live

I first started moveTHRU Grief live 6 months after my wife Kandy, died. I was a mess of emotions that I couldn't even name. Because I couldn't even name them, I couldn't start to process them. I was desperate to get out of that place mentally and to not feel so alone in it.

I saw a TikTok from Emily about grief and how we need to move it thru our bodies and I was intrigued. I gained so much from this program. I am healthier mentally and physically. The ability to understand what I'm feeling, to name it, and then to be able to move that tension or feeling out of me has given me more confidence in being able to express my feelings and emotions in a much more healthy way.

I still use the program if I'm having a particular hard time with a feeling and grateful to be able to keep using it. I personally was on the fence for a bit about applying for moveTHRU Grief Live. Investing in myself doesn't come natural but I am so glad I did. It truly was one of the best decisions I've made in my grief journey.

Kim, moveTHRU Grief Self-Study

moveTHRU came at such an interesting time in my grief journey. I was 3 + years out from losing my brother and had processed in so many ways but I had just moved back to Colorado where we grew up together and shared so much. It helped me process tricky emotions like anger before they bubbled up unknowingly. I also love being able to dedicate time to missing and grieving him but in a way that allows my body to release some of the negative energy.

The course enabled me to see how different aspects of grief play into my daily life and change with the seasons. It helped me prepare much like you would your closet as summer comes to an end you get the blankets and sweaters out I know what seasons bring up different emotions in my grief. I am so grateful for Emily creating a program that takes movement and applies it to the heartbreaking, expansive journey grief is.


Alison, moveTHRU Grief Live

I started moveTHRU Grief Live seven months after my partner died unexpectedly. I had been struggling a lot with guilt and anger that just circled through my head in an endless loop. And I was curious about how movement could help me in my grief.

The program helped me to identify, work through, and release these difficult feelings and emotions. Looking back, I’m amazed at how much I changed during that short 6 weeks. I came out of program more at peace, more hopeful about the future, and better-equipped to handle my feelings as they come up.

The weekly calls were a game-changer for me. One of the hardest parts of grief is how lonely it is. Even the most well-meaning and sympathetic friends and family don’t truly understand, and that made me want to just isolate myself at times. Being able to connect with others who really got it made me feel seen and helped me to know that there is nothing wrong with the way I’m grieving. I cannot recommend this program enough!

Abby, moveTHRU Grief Self-Study

My workout with moveTHRU was a really powerful experience. Having been through traditional conversational therapy to cope with my brother’s passing, it was incredibly refreshing to sweat and work through those feelings without having to talk about how I’m feeling. I felt so empowered afterwards.

Miki, moveTHRU Grief Self-Study

moveTHRU is the safe place that I’ve been looking for ever since I lost my first loved one. It is an environment that is welcoming to all emotions, to all types of people, and to all types of loss experiences. There was no “barrier to entry” or uncomfortable feeling upon joining, theater there was an immediate sense of inclusion and support from the community members. After losing multiple loved ones in my life, it ironically feels “good” to have found others that understand the pain, sadness and anger that reside with the journey of grief.

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More testimonials >>

What's included in

moveTHRU Grief LIVE!



$399 VALUE

My online course includes over 50+ videos of intention-based exercises and written prompts to help you embody your emotions and embrace grief. You can access it on your desktop or any type of mobile device.


$5000 VALUE

ONE High-touch point Coaching Call & ONE Movement session per week! 

There are many ways to navigate a loss and move forward. However, there is one universal need for every griever; and that is for their grief to be witnessed.

 The live coaching & movement sessions will will hold everyone accountable for completing course content and will also serve as a safe space to discuss content takeaways, ask questions and share any struggles or concerns that are coming up. I’ll provide gentle grief guidance and together, we will determine the best path forward.



Having a safe space to tap into in the never-ending journey thru grief is priceless. Participants will have access to the private community forum to connect between LIVE sessions. These groups create friendships and family that last for life! 


$197 VALUE

I’ve created downloadable PDF’s that you can easily access as a quick guide to move THRU each emotion. These include BONUS workouts to do at home! If you feel an emotion coming up for you, instead of revisiting all of the content in the course, you can download these guides to quickly find:

– Mindset mantras to help reframe difficult situations
– Key takeaways and reminders from the module
– Suggested moves or breathing exercises to embody & release specific feelings & emotions

Think of this as your “Cliff Notes” to moveTHRU Grief!



Each module includes a playlists of my personal favorite songs to moveTHRU every emotion covered in the course. Access the Anger playlist when you’re feeling the fury, and then play the Surrender playlist when you need more peace and calm in your life. These are BONUS tools to help you cope with whatever is coming up for you!

That is $5500+ worth of LIVE coaching & grief education resources, along with ACCESS to a community who truly understands.

Your Investment


MoveTHRU Grief Course


Self Study (Does not include access to live sessions)




Normal Price: $1999


Your Guides...

About Emily

Certified Grief Educator, Grief Coach, widow and founder of moveTHRU. After the loss of her husband in 2019 to Uveal Melanoma, she started moveTHRU to create new meaning out of her tragedy by helping others heal. In two years, it’s evolved into a full-blown online grief coaching business. Emily has worked with hundreds of clients in her private & free coaching groups and reached millions of followers through her social media content on TikTok and Instagram. Her mission is to help anyone who has experienced a loss embrace grief through movement, mindset, and by connecting with a community who understands, and find meaning and purpose in life after loss.

About Yole

Certified Yoga Instructor (specializing in trauma-informed and Grief Yoga), Wellness Coach, widow and Movement & Support Coach at moveTHRU. After the loss of her husband in 2021 to a rare and aggressive cancer, she dove into all things fitness and mindset to help navigate and find direction after this earth-shattering loss. Yole Anna quickly earned multiple yoga certifications, with the intent of being able to help others walking through grief, trauma, and hopelessness. Her goal is to help anyone who has experienced a loss find purpose and meaning, and explore ways to create beauty from the ashes through movement, mindset, and a supportive community that values holding space and lifting one another up.