A Self-Study Dating Course for Widows

Date with Clarity & Confidence to find Your Chapter Two Love


A Self-Study Dating Course for Widows

Date with Clarity & Confidence to find Your Chapter Two Love


What if you felt confident & empowered dating as a widow -- truly excited about finding love again --  without feeling like you’re doing something wrong?

"The Love After Loss course was truly amazing for my head and heart! I felt so supported by both Michelle and Emily. Dating can be such a taboo subject [after a loss], which definitely doesn’t get discussed enough. There are SO many moving parts! The program made me feel heard, seen and relaxed during the difficult process of grieving my husband and actually caring about someone new and making a life together! I had so much to process during this course, and Michelle and Emily helped me explore ALL the feelings and normalized them!  They helped me navigate my emotions as I personally moved into the next chapter in my new relationship! I felt more confident in doing so … while holding my loss close to me too. I can’t thank this program enough💗! For anyone thinking about a new love - relationship or just dating - this program is for you!!! I promise you will feel supported during another huge piece of life “we widows” navigate in our journey."

- Beth -

 I Get It.

Dating as a widow is complicated. It’s easy to …

  • Feel guilty for wanting to date or be intimate with someone new
  • Question if enough time has passed to start dating again 
  • Be afraid of putting yourself out there to feel more potential pain & loss
  • Feel unsure of how to navigate the nuances of being a widow when everyone else seems divorced or out of a break up
  • Get overwhelmed by the world of dating apps, making a profile & swipe culture 
  • Feel conflicted about loving your late partner and wanting to love someone else
  • Worried that you will never find someone as amazing as your deceased person

What if there was a way to make dating as a widow feel easier, lighter and fun?


I’m talking about …

→ Feeling secure about being a widow and how to talk about it on dates

→ Feeling clear about who you are and what you are looking for in a partner

→ Feeling normal for wanting  intimacy, date nights and adult connection 

→ Knowing exactly how to handle your emotions when guilt, anxiety, and shame come up

→ Feeling a connection to your deceased, while building one with someone new

→ Knowing exactly how to handle your in-laws, family, and friends if they don’t approve of you dating

→ Believing that your next true, aligned love does exist!


Release your blocks around dating as a widow and celebrate who you are now,  to call in a partner who will love you for all that you are and all that you bring to your relationship!  

(Including your connection with your deceased)

Dating as a Widow is DIFFERENT

Let’s face it. 

Dating after the death of a partner is not the same as dating after a divorce or breakup.

Your relationship did not end by choice. 

A main pillar of healing is finding ways to maintain a connection to your deceased loved one as you move forward. 

This can present a range of complicated feelings and questions for widows and widowers wanting to open their heart to new love.

So if you’ve asked yourself …

  • Will I ever find a new love that can live up to my old love?
  • How do I date someone new without comparing them to my deceased partner?
  • How do I stop feeling guilty about dating?
  • If I’m still grieving, does it mean that I’m not ready?
  • How do I honor my old love and open my heart to someone new?




Love after Loss

A Self-Study course for Widows to Date with Clarity & Confidence to find Your Chapter Two Love


"I admit I was a mixture of scared to death and excited about dating before taking the Love After Loss course. I was a young widow at 45 and I loved being married. I missed being in a meaningful, committed relationship and knowing how it felt to be loved in that way made me sad at the prospect of never having that again. So, I wasn’t sure that I was ready.

Emily & Michelle gave me permission to not be sure, but rather to choose the type of relationship I wanted to pursue, and change my mind if I needed to. When you're trying to rebuild your life after the loss of a partner, this is SO important, because you aren't sure about anything anymore!

I was also nervous about how to talk about my loss with dates. I appreciated the pros & cons of disclosing my widow status & also the recommendation to reflect on my story around my loss — why I would or wouldn't want to disclose it? and what made me uneasy or anxious about my grief coming up on dates? , etc.

The idea of loving someone other than my late husband also made me feel guilty. In the course, we talked through how past relationships — the great parts and the not so great parts — can't be changed. It helped me to see that my marriage with my late husband (and all the relationships he had with the people who loved him) are preserved, untouchable, and unchanged forever. Michelle & Emily helped me realize that no one who comes into my life in the future will have any impact on the part of my life I shared with my late husband. This realization was helpful to share with my children as I navigated dating, meeting someone and moving forward

Love after Loss also allowed me to see that I AM different now, so the person who I desired in my life would be different too! I didn't need to recreate what I had with my late husband. The journal prompts and questions/worksheets helped me dive into subjects I hadn't thought much about, or had actively avoided. They helped bring clarity to what I was looking for in a partner and helped me realize that I HAD my own desires and dreams — which was sort of a new concept for me!

After completing the course, I decided to do one of the suggested "activities" of making a dating profile. I didn't expect to find anyone, but after just a few days on the dating site, there he was…

My new partner and I have been dating for nearly three years now! We are in a loving relationship that honors my late husband and who we are now. I’m grateful for the Love After Loss course and Emily & Michelle for supporting me along the way."

- Mindy -


Dating as a widow doesn’t have to be awkward or scary. The Love After Loss online course will equip you with the tools to feel confident and empowered as you navigate dating, open your heart to new connections, and deal with friends & family who might not understand.

Our approach is this …


We’ll help you bring awareness to and normalize common feelings, concerns and questions about dating as a widow. This phase is about helping you feel safe to explore some of the fears, thoughts and emotions that might be preventing you from dating or opening your heart to love. We’ll encourage you to stay open and curious (not critical) as you journey within, bringing clarity to your biggest blocks around dating.


Our online trainings combine Michelle’s dating & relationship expertise, along with her therapy background, and Emily’ s grief education certification and her lived experience dating and falling in love as a widow. This phase is about giving you the information, tools and insights to rewrite common misconceptions about love after loss and change your perspective on dating as a widow.


Each module comes with worksheets and journal prompts to help you apply the concepts that we are teaching to your unique dating situation. From helping you decide if you’re ready to date, to naming characteristics of your next compatible partner, we provide you the tools to find the answers and clarity within. Clarity creates confidence!

As you strengthen this inner dialogue, you’ll feel more empowered – knowing exactly what type of relationship you want, who you are looking for, how to talk about your loss on a date, how to maintain a connection to your deceased as you open your heart to new love, and how to set boundaries with friends & family who might not understand.


After you’ve done the inner work to help you feel empowered and enjoy dating, then it’s time to apply them in the outer world! We’ll equip you with tangible tools to help put yourself out there and date like a pro in the modern, online world.

And if we haven't met yet...


Emily Bingham

is a Certified Grief Educator and Spiritual Life Coach, published author, widow and founder of moveTHRU. After the loss of her husband in 2019 to Uveal Melanoma, she started moveTHRU to create new meaning out of her tragedy by helping others heal. It’s now a full-blown online grief & spiritual life coaching business! Emily has worked with hundreds of clients in her coaching groups and reached millions of followers through her social media content. Her goal is to help grievers rebuild their lives and THRIVE in the aftermath of devastating loss.


Michelle Mouhtis

is a speaker, licensed therapist and a “go to” Dating + Relationship Coach featured in Women’s Health, Brides, and TODAY. People seek Michelle’s support when they are single and want to find lasting love, or when they are in a committed relationship and desire deeper connection in their relationship. Michelle is an accredited expert on serving humans who crave a healthy relationship with love in their adulthood, moving through past romantic or intense family experiences. She believes the health of people’s relationships determines the happiness of their lives, and combines the latest relationship research and energy psychology to help her clients be aligned in their most loving partnerships.

What you will learn... 

How to Tell If You’re
Ready to Date

The question ISN’T “am I ready to date?” The REAL question to determine readiness is: “What kind of dating am I open to right now?” There are actually MANY different types of dating and relationships you can have, NOT just dating to find marriage. In this module, we break down all the different options and how to determine which ones you feel ready for in our signature, step-by-step process so that you feel comfortable with what you’re ready for!  

How to Stop Feeling
“Bad” About Dating

Guilt. Shame. Anxiety. Loneliness. Grief. Even if you’re feeling excited about the idea of finding love again, dating still brings up a LOT of intense and complex emotions! You’ll learn the most common emotions widows feel when they date and why, and how to move through these feelings so you can get unstuck and make room for the love you desire.

How to Maintain a Connection with Your Deceased While Dating

Many widows are under the misconception that you have to let go of your deceased in order to create space for new love. And this simply isn’t true! In this module, you’ll learn how to hold ON to your deceased loved one AND allow new love into your life. You’ll also understand how to talk to a new partner about your needs as a widow in an empowered way, and what to do if you find yourself comparing dates to your late partner.

How to Become your
Own Matchmaker

You’ve likely changed a bit since your loss. ;-) And who you’re compatible with NOW versus when you first met your late partner will definitely be different! Michelle will take you through her signature compatibility process so you can feel clear on who is for you and who’s not for you within the first three dates.

How to OWN Your
Widow Status

Say it with us: You are not broken or damaged goods! It’s time to let go of the shame and awkwardness around being a widow so you can feel secure in yourself, your story, and what you’re looking for. We’re teaching you how to talk about being a widow, the pros/cons of disclosing your widow status on a dating profile, and how to deal with friends and family who might not agree with you dating (and they aren’t afraid to show it!)

How to Date in the Modern World (Online Dating 101)

Apps, swipe culture, online dating, texting – we’ve got you! The dating world is different than when you first fell in love with your person. We’ll bring you up to speed so that you can jump into the online world of dating like a pro.

What's Included in LOVE AFTER LOSS:

Upon enrollment, you’ll gain immediate access to the Love After Loss online course.

✔︎ Lifetime access to 6 pre-recorded modules lead by Emily and Michelle
✔︎ Downloadable session notes to read on the go
✔︎ Journal prompts and worksheets to deepen your exploration and study











Love After Loss used to be a LIVE program priced at $2000. But we pulled the most potent lessons, tools and insights after running it live for several rounds, to offer it to you at an accessible price point of ...



That’s $2,000 in value for less than $200!

What clients are saying about Love After Loss…

"Dating is tough! Dating after over 20 years of being out of the game, seemed impossible. I needed to be able to learn from experts about what that might be like after losing my wife and trying to come to terms with what it would mean to date. I found all the support I needed in this program. Us dudes generally want to just muscle through it and figure it out on our own. I knew that I didn’t know a lot about dating, and I was not willing to try to just figure it out on my own. It’s okay to not know what you are doing and to have questions about all things dating after loss. Michelle and Emily are fantastic and their insight and wisdom is second to none. Love After Loss made me realize I’m not alone, and I don’t need to struggle on my own. Thank you Emily + Michelle for making dating after loss a LOT easier!"

- Nate

"Going through the Love after Loss program was probably one of the best proactive steps I've taken to move forward [after my loss]. The very idea of taking off my wedding band haunted me. I was very curious about dating, but not at all ready to take action. I doubted myself that I could "choose" or vet the prospective date. A week after the program ended, I was ready to take off my wedding band. I feel very confident, almost empowered now in my ability to spot a potential date that I might connect with. I also truly understand now that opening myself up to love again in no way diminishes my loss or the love I have and always will have for my late husband. Emily and Michelle are gifted in what they do and their message resonates with me on many levels. Just do it!"

- Susan

"My widowed journey began on 4/19/21, when my husband of 40 years passed away suddenly. I didn’t know what to do. I came across Emily & Michelle’s Love After Loss program and it was a life saver for me! I felt so seen and learned so much from the trainings and reflections. The course inspired me to do more with my life -- like writing my book, eating healthy, and exercising more. This gave me more confidence to learn to love again. I met and got engaged to a wonderful man, who I met on a dating sites. We are getting married 8/16/25 and are planning on starting a podcast together! Since the program I've joined many groups and I now give dating advice on how to date and find love again after divorce or death. Thanks to Michelle & Emily for helping me through my widowed journey."

- Cynthia


How is Love After Loss different from other dating programs?

Dating as a widow is NOT the same as a non-widow or divorcee! There is a lot more nuance that makes the experience, feelings and process completely different.


Emily and Michelle created this program because to their knowledge, there is no other course that is designed specifically for widows who are dating – and especially not from both a widow & grief coach and licensed therapist! 

The program doesn’t just teach you which dating apps to download and how to make a profile.  Emily and Michelle go DEEP and teach you how to address friends and family who don’t understand your decision, hold space in your heart for two loves, understand who you are after the loss of your person, how to talk about being a widow to dates, and feel more confident and at ease dating as a result. 

This program will meet you exactly where you’re at -- no matter where you are on your love journey.  Whether you’re feeling ready to find your next relationship, or you’re just curious and want to dip your toe into dating, Love After Loss covers everything you need to know to start and/or support you along your journey.

This is for you IF …

  • You downloaded a dating app, then deleted it after feeling overwhelmed
  • You aren’t sure if you are ready to date, and you’re still counting the months or years to see if “enough” time has passed
  • You are already dating, but it doesn’t seem to be working
  • You don’t know what kind of partner is a match for you, because it’s been so long since you last dated
  • You can’t get past the first date because no one will ever compare to your deceased person
  • You WANT to date, but feelings of overwhelming guilt are getting in the way of taking the first steps
  • You are craving intimacy, closeness, and touch from someone else – but you’re afraid it takes away from how you feel about your deceased
  • You aren’t sure how to honor or talk about your deceased as you fall in love with someone new
  • The thought of a date asking you “So when was your last relationship?” makes you want to cry
  • You want to stop letting the judgment of your friends, family, and even other widowers get in the way of finding love again – and feel secure in your decisions

"After the loss of my beloved husband, I felt like I was ready for love again, but I didn't know where to start. I joined Love After Loss to get clear on how to find my next love, but I gained so much more than that. Emily and Michelle created such a safe space to make a taboo topic like widowhood and dating feel normal. Dating as a widow is complicated and has so many layers, and I couldn't imagine trying to date without their guidance and support in this program. After the program, I met an incredible man who loves and accepts my son and I for all we are and everything we've been through. While I still hold space for my late husband, I'm so thankful I was able to let new love into my life and be in such a loving relationship."

- Larissa -

Frequently Asked Questions...

Are you ready to make dating as a widow ACTUALLY feel exciting and fun?

Trust me! I despised having to enter the dating world and “do it all over again” with someone new. But once I learned how to navigate my emotions, own my widow status, and get clear about the type of man and relationship I was looking for, I felt empowered and enjoyed the process.

I felt like an attractor – any guy would be LUCKY to have me!

Since then, I’ve attracted a loving partner who aligns with who I am and what I desire now.

And I created this program with Michelle to help other widows do the same. 

So if you’re ready to find your next love after loss, I invite you to take the first step with us!

With love, 

Emily & Michelle


Follow my grief journey on social!